Footnote/endnotes form

<a title href="#_edn4" name="_ednref4"><span class="MsoEndnoteReference">[iv]</span></a>

<a title href="#_ednref4" name="_edn4"><span class="MsoEndnoteReference">[iv]</span></a>

Actual to cut

B   [ii]

 smith [iii][iv]






 Kingdom of God.”[x]

child of God.”[xi]

 the Scriptures.”[xii]

[i] See,

[ii] Greg

[iii] Article VI, “The Church.”

[iv] When the Alabama Baptist...

[v] Greg Garrison, The Birmingham News, June 15, 2000, p. 1-A.

[vi] This entire treatment in Part II is

[vii] Cited by Greg Garrison, The Birmingham News, June 18, 2000, p. 17-A.

[viii] John Skinner, A Critical and Exegetical

[ix] Werner Foerster, Palestinian Judaism in

[x] Albrecht Oepke, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, edited by

[xi] Oepke, 1, 785.

[xii] Gary E. Parker, “Women in the Pulpit?,” Religious Herald, June 15, 2000, pp. 8-9.

