Brown Hudson’s notes and drawings
from selected news articles


Frank Page
SBC President

    I am the dark horse of South Carolina you elected as your new SBC president that sends a populist message to SBC Calvanist Fundamentalist powerbrokers, P. Patter and P. Press.   Six years ago, I published a book critiquing five-point Calvanism --- belief in total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace and perseverance of the saints.

    It is most grievous to see a large number of Southern Baptists accept A. Mohl’s  doctrine without question in regards to salvation.   This man-made system of logic has led supporters of the P. Patter Coalition to say things about God which are simply unbelievable!

    The true nature of God is not shown by a Calvinistic theology that presents a g\God who selects one to be saved and another to be lost.
I call for “a scripturally based understanding of salvation” rather that reliance on  A. Mohl’s “manmade doctrines” such as Calvin’s systematic theology.

I propose that Southern Baptists adopt God’s teaching on salvation rather than A. Mohl’s belief system based upon his restructured teachings.

    I affirm the eternal security of believers and perseverance of the saints.  Election is a biblical concept, but I refuse to categorize it as “unconditional.”  Grace can be resisted by a rebellious human free will.   But I insist that Christ’s atonement is unlimited.  A. Mohl’s logical conclusion undercuts evangelism.

    If Southern Baptists follow A, Mohl’s Calvinism, then a missionary or evangelistic spirit is unnecessary.   If irresistible grace is truth, then there is no need to share Christ with anyone, since those persons who God has elected are irresistibly going to be drawn into his kingdom anyway.

    I’m P. Patter and Frank Page’s criticism aligns with my positions that I presented during the SBC’s Pastors’ Conference breakout session “dialogue” on the subject.   However,  my selection for SBC president was Runnie Flo from Arkansas, who fasted for 40 days.

    I do not find in Scripture any case for A. Mohl’s irresistible grace and I’m against “limited atonement.


P. Patter

A. Mohl

I’m A. Mohl, president of Southern Sinecure.  I teach 5-point Calvinism.

    I’m Ed Young and my mega-church in Houston, supports Frank Page’s doctrine of salvation based solely on the Bible rather than a human system of logic.

    Our theology is biblical, it is not systematic.  Therefore, we are not Calvinist; we are not Arminian, we are Southern Baptists.   We always come down somewhere in the middle. 

Ed Young

SBC President

    Eventhough I’m your new  SBC president, I’m willing to work with SBC Calvinists.  I’ll have to decide on a case-by-case basis about appointing to a SBC board someone who is an inerrantist but may otherwise differ theologically.  Eventhough I’m against “hyper-Calvinism, I work wonderfully with Calvinists and charismatics in my church.

    I’m Tom Nettles, prof. of historical theology at Southern Sinecure:

Election is the gracious purpose of God according to which he generates, justifies, glorifies and sanctifies sinners
(The SBC Oligarchy or EKG is the example)

    Frank Page is a “reasonable” man who showed “courage” to run in opposition to Runnie Flo.  Page’s book is based on “a flawed historiography and inadequate exegesis.”

Tom Nettles

Tom Ascol, CEO, SBC Founders Ministries

    I posted a gracious-toned review of Page’s book on my blog before the Convention, but since he has been elected as SBC president, I question his commitment to work with and appoint to SBC committees that are committed A. Molh’s Calvinism. Page’s kindness and civility are commendable, but theological convictions cannot be ignored.  

   Is Page saying that he is willing to work with people who follow manmade doctrines, whose religion is without biblical support, whose theological convictions mean there is no need to share Christ with anyone and encourage “a slackening of the aggressive evangelistic and missionary heartbeat of the SBC?

   I will not work with Page.  I want a president of the SBC who believes in A. Mohl’s 5-point Calvinism.  If Page genuinely believes what he has written about Calvinism, then no amount of kindness can justify his willingness to work with the kinds of churchfolk described in his book.

    Page strikes me as a humble, godly man, who I like. His election won’t have any sort of profound impact on the resurgence of reformed theology in the SBC.   The kind of reformation we need in the SBC can’t be attained by presidential elections or P. Press politics.

    I agree with Tom Ascoll.  Page won’t make any negative difference in the resurgence of SBC confessional Calvinism.  This resurgence hasn’t had any encouragement from Mor. Chap, P. Press, or Page 25 years.   Frank can help by broadening participation by giving leaders of the Calvinist resurgence responsible tasks through appointive prerogatives.

Tom Nettles

Wade Burrrrr

    I’m Wade Burrrr, and I support Frank Page.   His election is “about churchfolk being heard.”   It’s no longer kingmakers P. Press and P. Patter; it’s churchfolk.  Frank agreed that all us “bloggers” is a new phenomenon in P. Press SBC politics that made a difference.   There are a large number of leaders who read our blogs.  They have an inordinate amount of influence and are a growing phenomenon in SBC life.







